Daisy - Slipover - Rowan Summerlite 4ply

Daisy - Slipover - Rowan Summerlite 4ply


This is a digital download, not a physical pattern.

This simple sleeveless slipover pattern by Erika Knight is knitted using Rowan Summerlite 4ply. It is cinched in at the waist with a ribbed belt and the flattering high neck, and armholes, are neatly finished off with a simple pick-up/cast off edging.



Skill Level
1 Basic/Beginner

Tension / Gauge
28 sts x 36 rows

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Rowan Summerlite 4ply 50g Ball
Sale Price: £4.49 Original Price: £4.95
Pony Knitting Needles: Single-Ended: Bamboo: 33cm
from £4.60
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Bone - Slipover - Rowan Summerlite DK

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Amber - Cardigan - Rowan Summerlite DK

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